Thursday, July 16, 2009

Want Grocery Relief?

GO HERE!!!!!!
e-Mealz-A Meal Planner

Moms out there who hate coming up with a grocery list every week.
Then you have to pick out recipes. You get in a rut and have to make the same meal every week. My hubs one day said "sigh" garlic chicken again?

He found this website and it has just changed our lives! It's so awesome.
It's five bucks a month but it's so worth the money you save b/c you are never wasting food.

You go there, choose the plan you want. We use the lowfat Wal-mart plan. I can go to Aldi's too for cheaper items if I want. You can really be flexible with it.

Print out the two weeks worth of meals. Then you can go thru them and see what you want and substitute if you don't like a meal. Then you have a grocery list with the prices suggested right next to it and the final tally at the bottom. This way you aren't surprised and embarrassed that you overspent at the checkout.

It's the best. I put this on my fridge and get to figure what I'm gonna make for the day. I can defrost that way and get things ready.

The chart you print out has the meal, then the ingredients you need next to the meal, then the directions on how to make it!! All on one chart to stick on your fridge.

I just love this site so much. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped our family.

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